2025 entry is now open – see below!
This year’s event is by pre-entry only.
Please read the following message before entering the event.
The York Canoe Race organisers, aim to put on a fun event for those who enjoy spending time on the water.
Whilst a fun day out is our primary aim, we also have a duty to organise the event with an eye on safety. Whilst it is never possible, with an activity such as canoeing, to make it risk free, we risk assess the event and have put in place such safety measures that we feel are proportionate. Ultimately we rely on all the event’s participants to act responsibly, both in respect of their own safety and the safety and enjoyment of others.
To ensure that all entrants, helpers and organisers are adequately insured, we have teamed up with British Canoeing (BC) for this years event. British Canoeing are also providing the entry system for the event. In addition to providing insurance cover, British Canoeing “On the water membership” and “Single Event Membership” provides you with the necessary waterways license for accessing the River Ouse.
To enter the event you will need to meet one of the following requirements:-
- Any UK National Association On the Water membership or equivalent
- Any UK National Association Club Associate (more details available at https://members.britishcanoeing.org.uk/club-associate/ )
- Single Event Membership at £5 supplement in addition to your entry fee, which will provide you with BC membership for the day including insurance cover and a waterways license for the day
Details about British Canoeing membership and the insurance cover which it provides, can be found at https://members.britishcanoeing.org.uk/on-the-water-membership/